Menopause Support – Essential Oils to Use & Methods of Application for Best Results

Menopause Support – Essential Oils to Use & Methods of Application for Best Results

Naturally regulated & balance your hormonal response with a synergistic blend of pure essential oils to relieve menopausal symptoms like hot flash, sleep disruption, mood imbalance, headache, depression, anxiety, fatigue and nervousness.

A synergistic blend of essential oils can be more effective for getting the results you desire than any single essential oil. The pure essential oils I recommend you use in a blend to naturally regulate and balance hormonal and autonomic nervous system response for natural menopause support are:

Clary Sage, Geranium Bourbon (Reunion), Petitgrain, Cypress and Lavender

CLARY SAGE ( Salvia sclarea ) – An especially inviting, softly floral and sweet oil! Clary Sage can have a deeply soothing effect on nervous tension in both men and women. Well known for having a natural affinity with the female reproductive organs Clary Sage is strongly Yang and thus helpful for balancing excessive Yin states.

GERNIUM BOURBON ( Pelargonium graveolens ) from the Reunion Islands of Madagascar. The Bourbon variety of Geranium oil from Madagascar is considered by many to be the most desirable for hormonal balance. Geranium Bourbon has an especially heady and sensual aroma that will energize your senses. Effective research and clinical evaluation has been done in Germany on the main chemical components found in Geranium oil. The results of these studies show successful treatment for autonomic nervous system imbalances.

LAVENDER ( Lavendula augustifolia ) – Highly scented Lavender has a distinctly sweet floral-spice aroma that’s a little wild and woody. A restorative Lavender’s gentle nourishing and healing effect on the body, mind, spirit and emotions comes from its notable ability to harmonize and stabilize the entire human energy system, or Chakras.

PETITGRAIN ( Citrus aurantium ) – A warm, refreshing orange aroma that fairly sparkles with brightness. Petitgrain is a top note often used in perfumery. Almost all cologne waters contain some petitgrain oil. A phytoestrogen Petitgrain promotes hormonal balance in both men and women and has an especially good synergy with Clary Sage.

CYPRESS ( Cupressus sempervirens ) Cypress oil has a distinctly clean, fresh, woody aroma that’s light and clear with a hint of spice and is reminiscent of pine and juniperberry. The oil is distilled from the leaves (needles) and cones of the column shaped, evergreen Cypress tree from the Mediterranean region of Europe. Cypress oil helps regulate hormonal action. Stimulates the onset of menses. An effective treatment for female hormonal imbalances and to regulate menstrual cycles, as well as problems associated with menopause. Use Cypress oil to reduce severe hot flashes!


METHOD 1: Dispense 15 drops of your essential oil synergy blend into a 1 ounce bottle of carrier oil, shake well and allow the oils to synergize for 24 hours, or longer as time permits.

Dispense 1-3 drops of your synergy blend, inhale and apply to breast, hips, lower back and kidney areas. The oils will enter through the neurovascular points located in these areas to effectively trigger your relaxation and healing response, promoting balance and support for your hormonal system.

A Note About Carrier Oils: I highly recommend pure light coconut oil as the ideal carrier oil. Coconut oil is fully metabolized by the body and, unlike most oils, not absorbed into the fatty cells and tissues of the body, making it an ideal carrier for essential oils to move through the fat cells beneath the dermis and into the blood vessels serving muscles, etc. As well Light Coconut oil remains liquid at room temperature and, because of its light consistency, will not clog skin pores, making it suitable to use on sensitive or problem skin.

METHOD 2: Direct inhalation is the method used most in Germany and the one I use most often in my aromatherapy practice.

DIRECTIONS – Dispense 1-3 drops of your pure essential oils blend onto a tissue or cotton ball. Breathe in the essential oil vapors for 30-60 seconds. Breathe in slowly and pause briefly on your inhaled breath. Then slowly exhale, letting go of any tension. Repeat this slow, rhythmic breathing five more times.

Please note: You may also use an air or fan diffuser to dispense your oils for direct inhalation.

Aromatic oils stimulate your olfactory nerves which send a signal to your brain’s neuro-receptors, triggering numerous electro-chemical responses. Research shows that essential oils will remain in your bloodstream for up to 4-6 hours.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Holistic MindBody Therapy, including pure essential oils, are gentle, noninvasive complementary forms of health care for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind and spirit and a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being. Alternative health care may produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.